After twelve albums she has released at home and abroad, harpist Şirin Pancaroğlu continues to meet her audience with her compositions in which she lets out traces of different music accumulated in her soul. She transforms all these sources in a personal way and reveals her social sensitivities regarding both nature and humanity.

From Ashes is about hope. Hope that human beings, who are helpless in the face of natural disasters, can foster through artistic sensitivity. The forest fires that affected both Turkey and many countries in the summer months of 2021, also broke Şirin Pancaroğlu’s heart. Is there a way to overcome this mental distress that weighs on all of us? Lost trees, plants, animals… maybe it would be good to think about a rebirth? The soil sprouting again, a new forest rising from the ashes… One gets caught up in this journey of hope in every note of the work. In “From Ashes”, the third single of the colorful selection collected by Şirin Pancaroğlu under the title “Alâim-i Semâ” (rainbow), the taste of Ottoman palace music is interpreted with new ideas, leaving a “vintage” effect on ears and enchanting the listener.

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From Ashes

Release Date : 30 June 2023
Artists : Elif Yurdakul, Emre Erdal

From Ashes is about hope.