The Turkish Harp – Artfulliving
News on the Artfulliving platform about the Turkish Harp Project...
Şirin Pancaroğlu
Praised by the Washington Post as a “major talent of international caliber”, for Şirin Pancaroğlu, discovering a variety of musical identities for the harp is a central endeavor. Trained as a classical musician, the leading harpist of Turkey is equally active in the realm of Turkish traditional music, improvisation, electronic music, tango and semi-staged performances as she is in mainstream harp repertoire to which she contributes with new works commissioned for her. Regular collaborations with performers and composers of diverse backgrounds have led Pancaroğlu to cross boundaries between musical styles often resulting in music that has been perceived as opening the path to new genres.
News on the Artfulliving platform about the Turkish Harp Project...
An in-depth interview about The Turkish Harp which appeared in the Fall 2023 issue of the World Harp Congress Review
Interview for the Yeşilay (Green Cross) magazine...
Recently I talked to P.D.L.T. from Singapore about the Turkish Harp Project as my piece "The Cry of the Flamingos" is chosen as...
Interview with the P.D.L.T. about the çeng
An interview based on A Para TV Channel appearance about The Turkish Harp Project
Interview with Nihat Demirkol from Folkart magazine
An interview with the Anadolu Haber Ajansı about The Turkish Harp Music Collection
An interview about the release of the single The Cry of the Flamingos, the first of the Alaim-i Sema series
An in-depth interview about the Turkish Harp Project with İlker Gezici
Ezgi Coşkunpınar wrote a beautiful review of my a duo recital with flutist Elif Yurdakul