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Itunes - Şirin Pancaroğlu - Sunset in Phrygia

Sunset in Phrygia I Alaim-i Sema

The Turkish Harp at CSO

The Turkish Harp at CSO

An Old Postcard

An Old Postcard

G. Faure / Une Chatelaine en sa Tour

G. Faure / Une Chatelaine en sa Tour

Spanish Dance

Spanish Dance

Recital in Çandarlı

Recital in Çandarlı

Recital in Yenikent, Bergama

Recital in Yenikent, Bergama

Recital in the Bademler Village

Recital in the Bademler Village

Recital at Touring Automobile Club

Recital at Touring Automobile Club

An Instrument & A Master – May 2016

An Instrument & A Master – May 2016

Akbank Sanat Baroque Music Recital – January 2010

Akbank Sanat Baroque Music Recital – January 2010

Asturias / Izmir TAD Recital 2012

Asturias / Izmir TAD Recital 2012