I have as of September 2018 started to teach harp at the Dokuz Eylül University State Conservatory in Izmir, Turkey. There are six majors enrolled in middle and highschool levels. I enjoy teaching them greatly.
The two harps of our department, one very old Salvi Orchestra and a 20-year old Lyon & Healy CG were unfortunately in very bad shape, strung with nylon strings and badly in need of maintenance (what we call regulation). I have just finished mounting both harps with new wires, gut strings and nylons and next week they will be regulated by Nadav Konieczyn. This was a great occasion to teach basic harp care and how to change strings to students, who had a lot of fun helping eachother in the process.

Our department needs transport covers for the harps, a dolly to move them…and spare strings which can not be afforded right now. Not even the tuning keys were fitting the harps. So there is much left to do, but little financial means to make it happen because of the general financial crisis we are going through in Turkey. Any help in terms of covers, strings and accessories will be appreciated from colleagues around the world who can do so.

Students will perform their first studio concert on December 18th, and the beginners are very excited for this first occasion. And so I am with them!